Boundless Growth Through Yoga



Have you been interested in trying yoga but hesitated due to a bit of fear and doubt creeping in? Well doubt no more, youā€™re in the right place!

I get how you feel. Even the thought of walking into a yoga studio can feel really intimidating. But no worries, I’ve got you covered! You will be able to learn the key fundamental core principles of yoga in the comfort of your own home.

First things first, let's debunk all those thoughts in your head (aka myths)

Myth # 1

You can’t do yoga because you
believe you’re not flexible.
> TRUTH: We are all flexible to
some extent

Myth # 2

You think you have to look a certain
way to do Yoga.
> TRUTH: You absolutely do 
have to look a certain
way to do yoga!

Myth # 3

You need to be athletic to do Yoga.
> TRUTH: You DO NOT have to
touch your toes or be athletic!

"Being retired, I first started yoga to stay active...keep the body moving. It also was a good way to interact with my friends, my neighbors. What I found in Gina's yoga class was a stronger body core, balance and mindfulness of all that I have and all that I really don't need and a peace in giving this time to myself. Gina isn't just a yoga instructor, she lives through yoga (it glows in her). It radiates through her in her words and her selfless actions; not just teaching but bringing to our yoga community Care, Guidance, Friendship and Love."

Sue Hartnett
Stained Glass Craftsman

"When Gina first spoke to me about her teaching a yoga class in our development, I really had no intention of trying it. I was under the assumption that yoga was only for women. I was satisfied working out with weights. I also thought that the only benefit that it would have for me is helping me to relax since I am type A. Through using breathing techniques that Gina has taught, I found yoga useful in helping me to relax when stressed. I also found out that I was just plain wrong thinking that yoga is only for women. It gives me a total body workout, much more than just lifting weights. It has also helped my flexibility to increase, something weights don't do. Gina is patient and very careful to emphasize that we listen to our bodies so we don't injure ourselves. She gives us other options if we are unable to copy a pose that she is mirroring for us. She gently corrects us if we are not doing the pose correctly as well as giving positive feedback if she feels that we are improving. I am so very glad that I took Gina's gentle challenge to just try yoga. I am hooked."

Tom Watson
Old Bridge, NJ

"I was diagnosed with lupus two years ago and was trying to find an exercise that would make me feel better and counteract the effects lupus was having on my body... Taking yoga classes with Gina over the past six months has help me tremendously by improving my overall flexibility, muscle tone and balance. Learning how to breath provided me with an effective way to manage my stress and reduce anxiety. Gina's teaching style is mindful connecting your mind and body together. I like that she starts each class with a quote or thought for the day that connects why we are here. During the class she provides cues that connects the anatomy to the pose, helping me to understand the action and movements to properly execute the pose without injury. After a class with Gina, I feel calm, refreshed and energized... ready to tackle life with a new fresh outlook. Namaste..."


Life’s short… choose Love & try Yoga!

Hey, I'm Gina Rafkind, your Yoga & Ayurveda Guide here at WHAT'S YOUR MUD? Welcome to this space. I'm glad you're here.


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